Post Graduate Certificate – Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR)

Course Information & Enrolment

Autonomic Nervous System Realignment Therapy (ANSR)

Compulsory for Diploma Level Course

The Autonomic Nervous System is responsible for determining which neurochemicals and what amounts released into our bodies, these chemicals create the physical enviroment our cells form and live in.

This course explores the link between the way we chose to think (our perception), the neurochemicals those mental states determines and how chemical imbalances cause disease. Based on clinical evidence, ANSR investigates how and why, what we think influences our level of physical wellbeing and explains, in practical terms, how changing our thinking process will dramatically improve our physical health.

​Post Graduate Certificate.
Pre-requisite: Certificate in Meditation Therapy  and Holistic Human Development.

19 & 20 June 2021 – Modules1-4

Class times: 9.30 – 5.00

Venue: Inner Sky Training Academy – Sydney


Meditation Association Qualification

Post-Graduate Certificate
In Full
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